Lately, I have been throwing pity parties for myself pretty frequently. Tonight, as I was catching up on some of my friends blogs, I realized just how blessed I am. This year has been full of wonderful blessings for our little family. We were blessed with our sweet son Deklan, who has stole my heart. Shortly after we were blessed with Nate's job, there is no better job we could have gotten. I have been feeling bad because we don't get to be close to our families, but we have yet again been blessed to live in an amazing ward and have been blessed with amazing friends here in Florida. As I think of all of the trials that some of our friends and family are facing right now, I can't help but be thankful that the only hardship we are facing right now is not getting to have Sunday dinners with our families. We are truly blessed.
I was visited by a sister in our new ward this week. She was so upbeat and had such a good outlook on life. She left me with a wonderful message, and a desire to be a better person. This sister has four children under the age of 9, she has once recovered from breast cancer and is now battling numerous tumors in her brain. Although she is facing this tremedous trial in her life, she is able to seek out the goodness in her life and share it with me. She left such a wonderful spirit in my home.
At the end of this wonderful weekend, I have come to the realization that I need to be more thankful for what I do have and not focus so much on what I don't have.
I do have:
- A wonderful husband who loves me, our son, and his Heavenly Father
- A healthy, adorable, active, sometimes crazy little baby boy
- A family who I miss dearly
- A home
- A body (sometimes I curse it, but am grateful that it allows me to bear children and lets me walk beside them)
- A testimony of Jesus Christ and his gospel
I have many other things to be grateful for, and hope that thru the coming month I can remember each of them and show my gratitude for them.